Team Members
raised USD 3,250
raised USD 25
DG Lisa
raised USD 25
raised USD 1,005
raised USD 470
raised USD 335
raised USD 0
raised USD 260
raised USD 260

Update #37
3 years ago from Anne Bermingham

I am so excited and thrilled to be able to let everyone know that we raised on this platform a total of $2,468 dollars to help rid the world of polio. Thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - those dollars will be tripled by them! I want each of you to know it meant so much from all of us at the Rotary Club of Hamilton AM to have you donate. I also want to thank each and every member of our club for telling the Rotary story and / or also giving to this special Rotary cause. If you want to see more of why your donation is so important, then please watch the attached video! With many thanks, Anne Bermingham & all the members of the Rotary Club of Hamilton AM

Older updates
Why we are fundraising for The Rotary Foundation

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

707 donations received

USD 50
doug mcdoanld
donation to Sarah
3 years ago
USD 700
Frank Adamson
donation to Frank
3 years ago
USD 50
Marcy Edwards-Heffren
donation to Bob
3 years ago
USD 20
Ted Harris
donation to June
3 years ago
USD 50
Michael Foley
donation to Sarah
3 years ago
USD 40
Kenneth Taylor
3 years ago
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