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raised AUD 130
raised AUD 130
raised AUD 1,117
raised AUD 1,500
raised AUD 2,999
raised AUD 190
raised AUD 200
raised USD 67
raised AUD 3,350

Update #39
10 months ago from Vivianne Byrnes

Our small Polio Pushups team raised $11,845 in our recent online exercise event. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will give us 2:1 making $35,535.
That’s thousands and thousands of children who will get the polio vaccine to save their lives !! Thanks team !

Older updates
Why we are fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
Central Blue Mountains Rotary Club in NSW Australia will be conducting a fitness project called ‘Polio Pushups’ Challenge between 1st October - 24th October, 2023. This Challenge is open to anyone, anywhere in the world. You do not need to be in Rotary. The entry fee is very affordable ($10). This is a fun event and there will be various activities that participants can enter and follow on social media.

Help us reach our goal of raising $50 000 AUD for Polio Plus. For every dollar you contribute, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will match with an additional two dollars.

Individuals will be able to choose their preferred style and quantity of Pushups to challenge themselves. Sponsors can see snaps of your tracking sheet, your personal pictures and comments on your very own page.

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Together, let's END POLIO NOW !

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

97 donations received

AUD 300
Satcunam Saravanamuthu
“Every live matters.”
10 months ago
AUD 640
Ian Scott
donation to Ian
10 months ago
AUD 1,352
Ian Scott
donation to Jennifer
10 months ago
Anonymous donor
10 months ago
AUD 50
Erik Hoekstra
donation to ERIC
10 months ago
CAD 45
Maggie Campbell
donation to ERIC
10 months ago
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