To donate by check, please follow these steps: Donating to this fundraiser by check is currently only available in the United States and Canada.
Payable to The Rotary Foundation.
Include fundraiser ID (3512) and name of fundraiser (Anthony Miller).
For Rotary gift credit include your donor ID.
Mail to: United States The Rotary Foundation – Raise for Rotary 14280 Collections Center Dr. Chicago, IL 60693 Canada The Rotary Foundation Canada - Raise for Rotary c/o 911600 PO Box 4090 STN A Toronto, ON M5W 0E9
Update #1
a year ago
I have signed up, 20 pushups, 3 times a day. Join me in any number of pushups, ask your family or, businesses to sponsor you.
You will be strengthening those bones and muscles and raising funds for Polio eradication.
Why I am fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
Polio Fund
Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.