Update #1
4 years ago

Dear Friends,
This is a request for raising fund from our club RC Chennai IT City , families, friends, anns, annettes, friends of rotary for an amount of USD 1000.
each member can by themselves or forwarding the link can ask friends to contribute for any amount as low as usd 2 to any amount .
The collected amount would directly go to RI .
This fund raising campaign is under the umbrella of rotary district 3232.
pls support in completely eradicating polio from the world .
thanks .

Why I am fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
please contribute whatever amount possible . every drops count .
two dollars can give 2 drops which can save a child life .
what ever we are contributing , thrice this amount goes to RI as melinda billgates trust adds twice our contribution .
pls pass this on to as many friends as you can .
our target is to reach USD 1000 by 24th oct 2020.
thanks .

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

16 donations received

USD 156
All RC Chennai IT City members
4 years ago
USD 60
Rtn S.Padmanaban
4 years ago
USD 20
Rtn Rajini Jayakumar
4 years ago
USD 20
Rtn Radha Srinivasan
4 years ago
USD 27
Rtn Padmanaba Menon
4 years ago
USD 40
Rtn PY Venkateswaran
4 years ago
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