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raised CAD 1,000
raised CAD 1,112
raised CAD 1,893
raised CAD 1,685
Grand Island
raised USD 235
raised CAD 441
raised CAD 3,683
raised CAD 250
raised CAD 2,550

Update #4
13 days ago from Frank Adamson

District 7090 is raising money via the Dr. Ron Mergl Memorial Participate for Polio event to be held on Saturday September 21, 2024. Please join us and make a contribution here. Our goal is $5,000 on the Ontario side of the District. Our colleagues on the New York side have set up a fundraising site for American donations thanks to the leadership of Sherry Miller from Grand Island.

Older updates
Why we are fundraising for The Rotary Foundation

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

79 donations received

CAD 50
Gary Chard
donation to Frank
CAD 103.50
Annie Holtby
“Come out and cheer the cyclists on! Support this now annual Ride for Polio! ”
donation to Frank
10 days ago
USD 51.75
Sherry Miller
“I like the way you used the update to put a message above the fold of the webpage. ”
donation to Frank
13 days ago
CAD 100
Frank Adamson
“Please join me in raising money to eradicate Polio. ”
donation to Frank
13 days ago
CAD 100
Brenda Bagley
“Thank you Elaine”
donation to Elaine
9 months ago
CAD 25
Beth Fleeton
“Way to go Elaine, we're almost there...Will plan to join you next year!”
donation to Elaine
9 months ago
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