Why I am fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
4月28日 朝4時大阪の道路元標前を出発し、29日朝10時に日本橋、日本国道路元標ゴールを目指します。
I am Yoichiro Miyazaki, Governor of Rotary International District 2750.
In the hope of eradicating polio, which Rotary has promised to the children of the world, I will challenge you to ride a road bike 520Km between Osaka and Nihonbashi in 30 hours.
On April 28th, we will leave from Osaka at 4:00 am, and will reach Nihonbashi, Japan at 10:00 am on April 29th.
Please help us eradicate polio by making a donation.
Polio Fund
Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.
Learn more