Purpose Goal
Basic Education and Literacy

USD 11,339
no time limit
298 Individual fundrasing pages
248 Donations

Basic Education and Literacy

Together, we can empower communities and help support basic education and literacy and reduce gender disparity in education.

The Rotary Foundation supports education through scholarships, donations, and service projects around the world such as:

  • Opening schools: In Afghanistan, Rotary members opened a girls’ school to break the cycle of poverty and social imbalance.
  • Teaching adults to read: Rotary members in the United States partnered with ProLiteracy Detroit to recruit and train tutors. 
  • New teaching methods: The SOUNS program in South Africa, Puerto Rico and the United States supports educators to improve children's literacy.
  • Making schools healthy: Rotarians are providing clean, fresh water to every public school in Lebanon so students can focus on education.

How it works

There are endless occasions to raise funds and to donate: personal events, athletic challenges, good resolutions, extraordinary ideas, etc.
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