Team Members
Would you like to fundraise for Polio Fund? Join our team!
raised AUD 100
raised AUD 100
raised AUD 207
raised AUD 207
raised AUD 292

Update #11
a month ago from Paul Twigg

Thanks to all who donated to our team and me. We raised nearly $5000 to help end Polio!

Older updates
Why we are fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
Central Blue Mountains Rotary Club in NSW Australia will be conducting a fitness project called ‘Polio Pushups / Paces’ between 3rd October - 24th October, 2024. This Challenge is open to anyone, anywhere in the world. You do not need to be in Rotary. The entry fee is very affordable ($10 AUD ).
Help us reach our goal of raising $15 000 AUD for Polio Plus. For every dollar you contribute, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will match with an additional two dollars.
Individuals choose their preferred style of exercise : Pushups or Paces
(walking) to challenge themselves. If working on Pushups, choose a certain amount of Pushups to do each day during the three weeks. If working on Paces, choose a number of steps to do each day or choose a distance to walk each day. You could also choose to do a combination of Pushups and Paces. A Tracker sheet is available to assist your progress.

Join the Central Blue team by clicking on ‘Join the Team’ above.

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

22 donations received

AUD 3,448
Ian Scott
“It got too fiddly supporting individuals so I am buying steps from you all.”
a month ago
AUD 200
Ian Scott
“I did not get all my steps in, so I’m funding some of yours”
donation to Pauline
a month ago
AUD 46.58
Ash & Roz
“Happy Birthday Steve”
donation to Stephen
a month ago
AUD 51.75
Jennifer Scott
“Happy birthday Steve ”
donation to Stephen
a month ago
AUD 51.75
Chris And Julia Peters
donation to Pauline
2 months ago
AUD 51.75
Helen Rae
donation to Paul
2 months ago
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