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Would you like to fundraise for Polio Fund? Join our team!
raised AUD 1,390
raised AUD 362
raised AUD 250
raised USD 0
raised AUD 20

Update #3
a year ago from Gary Massie

Join me to deliver on the Rotary promise to the children of the world,
END Polio Now.
On Monday I will ride the Sydney Metro rail system and complete 186 stations (subject to timeliness of the trains).

Older updates
Why we are fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
Polio is only a plane ride away, so we will take the train to eradicate it. There are 181 railway stations in the Sydney Metropolitan area. We hope to visit all of them in a single day in a marathon effort to raise funds to End Polio Now.

We want clubs and individuals to hop on the train and present their contributions to us. We hope to see a sea of red End Polio Now shirts.

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

38 donations received

AUD 25
Barbara Mifsud
“Congratulations Mark and team!! What an amazing feat!! Thanks for all that you are doing to eradicate polio. We are this close!”
a year ago
AUD 25
Alex Hezari
a year ago
AUD 100
Wilhelmina Howard
donation to Dave
a year ago
AUD 50
Maureen Fanning
“Hi Colin - glad no heavy rains or strikes - makes rail travel collecting more joyful ”
donation to Colin
a year ago
AUD 100
Colin Lee
“Congratulations Dave”
a year ago
AUD 50
Pat & Buddy
“Good on you Dave!!”
a year ago
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