Team Members
Would you like to fundraise for Polio Fund? Join our team!
raised USD 0
raised CAD 137

Update #1
6 months ago

Reading Rotary will be spinning (or otherwise moving) at Burbank YMCA to raise funds to End Polio!

Why we are fundraising for The Rotary Foundation

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

22 donations received

USD 50
Brian Snell
“Keep up the great efforts guys. Miss you all!”
5 months ago
USD 25
Chris Haley
5 months ago
USD 50
Amy Walsh
5 months ago
USD 50
Richard Lombardo
5 months ago
USD 25
Lori Karas
5 months ago
USD 50
Frances Kelley
5 months ago
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