Team Members
Would you like to fundraise for Polio Fund? Join our team!
raised USD 100
raised USD 100
raised USD 0
raised USD 50
raised USD 46
raised USD 300
raised USD 50
raised USD 50
raised USD 200

Update #1
6 months ago from Emily Cooper

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! I LOVE being a Rotarian, and one of the biggest causes that the Rotary supports, is the eradication of Polio worldwide--and we are SO CLOSE! Please consider helping us in the fight!

Why we are fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
We're Gettin' Movin' to End Polio - Please support us!

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

20 donations received

USD 50
Kevin Tierney
donation to Chester
5 months ago
USD 50
Chester Graham
donation to Chester
5 months ago
USD 50
Jacqui Orphanos
“THANK YOU Peabody Rotarian Laura Meisenhelter for your generous donation! Namaste! Jacqui ”
donation to Jacqui
5 months ago
USD 50
Jeannette McGinn
6 months ago
USD 50
Anonymous donor
6 months ago
USD 100
Sara Searle
donation to Martha
6 months ago
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