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End Polio Now
raised USD 0
raised USD 26,901
End Polio Now
raised USD 10
raised USD 0

Update #4
18 days ago from Juliana Jasbon

Caminos de Esperanza: Uniendo Corazones para Erradicar la Polio

El e-Club Colombia Innova te invita a ser parte de Caminos de Esperanza, una serie de cinco conferencias transformadoras con reconocidos expertos que compartirán su sabiduría y experiencias de vida. Más que charlas, son oportunidades para crecer, inspirarnos y contribuir a un mundo libre de polio.

Cada encuentro virtual nos acerca a la meta: recaudar fondos esenciales para erradicar esta enfermedad y fortalecer nuestras comunidades. Tu participación no solo enriquecerá tu vida, sino que también traerá esperanza a quienes más lo necesitan.

Cada Conferencia tiene un valor de $USD10 y las cinco charlas un valor de $USD40.

Únete, dona y sé parte del cambio. Juntos, podemos marcar la diferencia.

Older updates
Why we are fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
Message from a child suffering from polio:
Sometimes, I feel different from my friends because I can’t run or play like they do. I see them playing tag, and I wish I could join them without feeling tired or struggling to keep up.
There are days when I feel frustrated because my legs don’t always do what I want them to. It can be hard to go to school when I have to use crutches or a wheelchair. I sometimes worry about what people think of me.
But I also have hope! I want to be strong and do things on my own. I dream of being able to play sports or go on adventures with my friends. I believe that with more awareness and support, fewer kids will have to feel this way.
If more people know about polio and help raise money for vaccines, we can make sure no other child has to go through what I do. Together, we can make a difference!"
This perspective emphasizes the child's emotions, aspirations & the importance of support and awareness. You & me have the power to create polio-free world.

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

153 donations received

Andre Suharto
donation to End Polio Now
4 months ago
Ng, Kai Qing
donation to Webinar2024
4 months ago
Suharto, Andre
donation to Webinar2024
4 months ago
Leonhard, Christoph
donation to Webinar2024
4 months ago
Atkinson, Nick
donation to Webinar2024
4 months ago
Pang, Jona Soon Moi
donation to Webinar2024
4 months ago
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