Update #1
17 days ago

October 24 is World Polio Day, when Rotary International celebrates how we are so close to eradicating polio in our world. We have two countries left. I am riding for District 6450, hoping to raise money that will be matched through the Rotary Foundation and the Gates Foundation. I ask you to contribute to this incredible cause.

Why I am fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
Marga Hewko of Rotary One will be riding in Tuscon, AZ for Rotary District 6450 in the Annual Ride to End Polio on Nov. 23. Please support Marga with a generous donation. All the proceeds will go directly to the Polio Plus Fund. Together we can End Polio Now!

Rachel Ossyra, District Governor

Polio Fund

Your donation helps Rotary reach every child with the polio vaccine.

Learn more

3 donations received

USD 517.50
Margarita Hewko
8 days ago
USD 103.50
Rachel Ossyra
“Thank you, Marga! Together we can END POLIO NOW!”
13 days ago
USD 103.50
Cheryl McIntyre
“Keep up the good work!!”
13 days ago
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